Saturday 23 August 2014

What the Universe wants...

Its striking how things have changed. And it's also striking how intentionally unaware we are of it- or at least I am. A few days back, I got a chance to look out of my usually air-conditioned car. Even when I am the one sitting near the window most of the time, it was for the first time (after a long time) that I was looking out of the window inclined towards looking at the sky. With my head half out of the window, the cool wind pressing against my cheeks, I looked at the celestial bodies out there making their presence being felt.

I remember following the moon when I was young and how magical it used to appear to me. I would wonder at the greatness of it, at how beautiful and flawless it was, and how it was everywhere I went! But now, I realized that it was the purity of the moon that had inspired me and that I admired how the moon hid the mystery of its existence.

I looked out that day, feeling lucky about how incredibly vivid the sky was then. At first the sky was just plain sky with clusters of stars. But that didn't impress me much for I wanted to find a way of noticing them individually. So, I looked at the moon first making out to the nearest star; the star next to it, the star brighter than it, the star at a distance. This way the entire sky (only the one limited to my sight, actually) appeared more sorted out than before. I remember smiling then at the insignificant, worthless mystery I had solved. I smiled at how childish it was. I smiled mainly because I was surprised how happy it made me.

I am a nature lover and I've been nurtured into being one by the nature it self. Nature has always appealed to me, attracted me towards its innocence and the modesty that it withholds. Nature has compelled me to observe and unfold the mysteries that it hides.

You know how it feels when someone puts your feelings into words in the most accurate way?
Its okay if you don't because I, myself only experienced it sometime back when I read this quote from John Green's renowned novel 'The Fault in our Stars',
"I believe the universe wants to be noticed. I think the universe is improbably biased toward the consciousness, that it rewards intelligence in part because the universe enjoys its elegance being observed."
Let me tell you the feeling is nothing superficial. Its just that it gives you internal satisfaction of the highest degree. Being humans, we just love to see people agree to us even when they are characters of a fiction novel.

Anyway, the point of all this was nothing more than pointing out one of the many things which may make your life worthwhile and bring happiness. Even when it is not the only way to happiness, it sure is ONE of them. God made the universe for our sake. I believe, one of its purposes was to amuse us. Give a hint towards what purity really is. Help us see the reflection of our souls in order to better understand ourselves. All this, just so that we can achieve satisfaction. Live our life without the fear of oblivion. Realize that 'some infinities are bigger than other infinities' and there's no end until we want one.

P.S: My request to you, just give it a try! The nature deserves to be noticed, my friend.